UN Powers Violate Their Own Resolution By Targeting Gaddafi

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, March 21, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/un-powers-violate-their-own-resolution-by-targeting-gaddafi.html

Attack on Libya is illegal under both U.S. law and UN charter; Manufactured pretext of “protecting civilians” completely collapses as Russia, Arab League and African Union condemn air strikes

As the contrived moral high ground behind the absurdly hypocritical “humanitarian” pretext of the attack on Libya collapses in the wake of Russia, the Arab League and the African Union condemning the US-led NATO bombings, so does any pretense of legality that the “no fly zone” resolution holds, because the obvious attempt to assassinate Gaddafi violates not only U.S. law, but the UN’s own charter.

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Radioactive Winds Head Towards Tokyo As Some Flee Capital

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/radioactive-winds-head-towards-tokyo-as-some-flee-capital.html

Upper atmosphere prevailing winds will send potential “radiation cloud” towards U.S. west coast

With Japanese authorities confirming that the third blast at Fukushima’s stricken nuclear plant caused radioactive particles to be released directly into the atmosphere, localized winds are blowing the radiation towards Tokyo, causing many to flee the capital, but the longer term trajectory of upper atmosphere prevailing winds will still send any potential radiation cloud towards the U.S. west coast.

Mass Evacuations Begin From North East Of Japan, Tokyo

By: Steve Watson
March 15, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/mass-evacuations-begin-from-north-east-of-japan-tokyo.html

Russian military prepares for nuclear fallout

As the scale of the nuclear disaster unfolding at the stricken Fukushima’s nuclear plant begins to be finally realised, despite the Japanese government’s continued underplaying of the situation, mass evacuations are are underway with people fleeing Tokyo and North Eastern areas of the country in order to avoid a toxic cloud of radiation heading their way.

Third Reactor Explodes, Full Scale Nuclear Catastrophe Imminent

By: Kurt Nimmo
March 14, 2011
Source: http://www.infowars.com/third-reactor-explodes-raises-ante-on-full-scale-nuclear-catastrophe/

A third reactor has exploded at the number 2 reactor at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. The blast follows an explosion Monday morning at the number 3 reactor and one on Saturday in the number 1 unit.

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Nuclear Expert: Radiation Could Spread To US West Coast

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, March 14, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/nuclear-expert-radiation-could-spread-to-us-west-coast.html

Fukushima crisis escalates after second explosion, officials admit reactor rods have been fully exposed

Nuclear expert Joe Cirincione warns that radiation from Japan’s multiple potential nuclear meltdowns could spread to the US west coast and that the threat represents an “unprecedented crisis,” as another explosion rocked the Fukushima complex and officials admitted that nuclear fuel rods at reactor number two have been fully exposed.

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