TSA Lies To Justify Illegal Train Station Grope-Down

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/tsa-lies-to-justify-illegal-train-station-grope-down.html

Passengers were forced to enter train station by TSA goons who swarmed them on platform

The TSA has been caught in yet another act of deception after claiming that passengers who were subjected to an invasive pat down and bag search after getting off an Amtrak train in Savannah, Georgia earlier this month did not have to enter the station, when in fact according to firefighter Brian Gamble, TSA agents swarmed the platform as soon as passengers stepped off the train and ordered them inside the building.

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Obama Encircles US War Machine Around Libya

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, February 28, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/obama-encircles-us-war-machine-around-libya.html

Administration obeys orders of PNAC neo-cons in exploiting humanitarian crisis to seize control of largest oil producing country in Africa

280211top2President Barack Obama has instructed the Pentagon to reposition U.S. military forces around Libya as the administration prepares to exploit a humanitarian crisis to seize de facto control over the largest oil producing country in the continent of Africa, following the advice of top neo-cons who have urged Obama to use U.S. forces to topple the Gaddafi regime.

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Russian Military Claims Libya Air Strikes Did Not Happen

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/russian-military-claims-libya-air-strikes-did-not-happen.html

Images from space suggest attack was contrived to create pretext for “humanitarian” military intervention

The Russian military claims that the supposed air strikes launched by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi against protesters last week did not happen, suggesting that the key event seized upon by the global media as a justification for a “humanitarian” military intervention was a contrived hoax.

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Will The Death Of The Dollar Lead To The Birth Of A New World Economic Order?

By: The American Dream
Feb 28, 2011
Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/will-the-death-of-the-dollar-lead-to-the-birth-of-a-new-world-economic-order.html

There is no getting around it.  The U.S. dollar is dying.  U.S. government debt continues to grow at a very frightening pace and the Federal Reserve is now buying up most of the new debt that is being issued.  At this point there is simply not enough money in the rest of the world to continue to feed the U.S. government’s endless thirst for more debt so the Federal Reserve has had to directly intervene in order to keep the Ponzi scheme going. 

Categorized as World News