US ‘bringing Korean peninsula to brink of war’

By: Peter Foster
London Telegraph
Nov 26, 2010

America is bringing the Korean peninsula “to the brink of war” North Korea warned on Friday as tension continues to build ahead of a four-day US-South Korean joint war game that starts this weekend.

The latest broadside from the regime of Kim Jong-il was issued as a US carrier battle group led by the nuclear-powered USS George Washington steamed towards the Yellow Sea in a show of deterrent force to Pyongyang.

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CHINA TELLS AMERICA: Turn Around The USS George Washington

By: Gus Lubin
Business Insider
Friday, November 26, 2010

China has warned against military activity near its coastline ahead of U.S.-Korea naval exercises, according to Reuters.China’s Foreign Ministry said in an online posting that naval exercises risks starting a war: “We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China’s exclusive economic zone without approval.”

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China Warns U.S. On Naval Exercises as North Korea Promises Retaliation

By: Kurt Nimmo
Friday, November 26, 2010

China has warned the United States against engaging in military activity on its coastline.

“We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China’s exclusive economic zone without approval,” China’s Foreign Ministry replied in response to a question about the inclusion of a U.S. Aircraft carrier strike group participating in the joint exercise.

The exclusive economic zone is a maritime zone up to 200 nautical miles from a country’s coast.

It was reported today that Obama would be speaking with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in coming days. China has refused to condemn North Korea’s attack.

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Children Trained That Being Taken From Parents & Molested Is Normal

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA Abducted Child From Mother For Secret Pat Down

If anyone else abducted someone’s child and then sexually molested them they would be rightly called a pedophile and locked up for a long time, but when the government does it not only is it deemed acceptable, but it also trains a whole generation of children that being kidnapped by an adult and having their genitals groped is normal.

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The Collapse Of Western Morality

Dear Scattered Brethren,

Greetings. Below is an article by a gentlemen who is not a member of our faith and church, but who nevertheless is qualified and in a strong position to see it first hand, and has a strong grasp and understanding of the continued decline of the moral decadency of the western world, which many who call themselves brethren have lost site of. I found it very useful and enlightening in helping to keep open our eyes to the continued decline of the lost tribes of Israel, even though they received the blessings due to the Patriarch Abraham.