Kevin Rudd’s e-Health bill paves the way for PositiveID human implantable RFID microchips

By: Greg Nikolettos
Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

For many this would seem to be the perfect solution to holiday accidents and prevent any unnecessary delays when facing treatment from an uncommon doctor who would require any past medical records. If a doctor in a different state previously treated you, they would need to determine if any further treatments/medications could cause adverse reactions to a prescription you or your family might currently be on. Having access to your usual doctors detailed medical reports, anywhere in the country, might just be a life saver. But is there more to it than meets the eye?

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Club Of Rome Behind Eco-Fascist Purge To Criminalize Climate Skepticism

By:Paul Joseph Watson
Propaganda Matrix
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The British lawyer who last week called for introducing international laws through the United Nations which would make it a crime against humanity to question the reality of man-made global warming has close ties with the Club of Rome – the ultra elitist organization which openly bragged of how it invented the climate change scare as a means of manipulating the global population to accept world government.

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The Shepherds of Israel Have Failed! Now What For The Flock of God?

Continued ……

Therefore, you are hirelings and not shepherds come from the Chief Shepherd; your wages should be sufficient! Why are you then not afraid to take what is not yours to take? Shouldn’t you rather have feed my sheep, taken them to water for a drink and protected them so that none may go astray or be eaten by wolves and lions? Because you have done this and not fed my sheep as I commanded, I will give you over to the Wolves and the Lions to devour all that you hold dear; unless you repent from your evil ways and turn to the LORD YOUR GOD, YOU  will be to me as the heathen who do evil in my sight and likewise suffer the wrath of my anger in that day!

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Top Eco-Fascist Calls For End Of Freedom To Fight “Global Warming”

By: Steve Watson
Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Population reduction enthusiast says “a few people with authority” should run the planet

A renowned environmentalist, known for his advocacy of population reduction as a means of offsetting climate change, has called for “a more authoritative world” where freedom comes second to tackling what he sees as the devastating effects of global warming.

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Left-Wing Icon: America Is Still Headed Towards Fascism Under Obama

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are liberals finally starting to understand the real enemy – the two party monopoly?

When left-wing icon Naomi Wolf warned that America was heading towards fascism under George W. Bush, characterized by illegal surveillance, arbitrary detention of suspects, and paramilitary martial law, she was lauded, but when she continued to issue the same warning as a result of Obama’s failure to reverse any of those policies, many on the left abandoned support for her.

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