Paul Joseph Watson
May 1, 2014
Globalists desperate to loan shark another country into debt slavery
The IMF has told Kiev that if it doesn’t defend eastern areas of Ukraine against pro-Russian forces, or in other words risk going to war with Russia and starting World War 3, that a planned $17 billion dollar bailout package will have to be “redesigned”.

IMF head Christine Lagarde said that the global body would “check regularly” to see if Ukraine was keeping up with its commitments on which the loan deal is dependent. One of those commitments includes a vow to use military forces to repel Russian influence in the east of the country.
The IMF has told Kiev that the money spigot could be cut off if Kiev “loses control over (the) East of the country”.
“Which, roughly translated, appears to mean go to war with pro-Russian forces (and thus Russia itself if Putin sees his apparent countrymen in trouble) or you don’t get your money!,” notes Zero Hedge.
Innumerable analysts have warned that if Russia and Ukraine engage in a full blown conflict, regional and even world war could eventually ensue. The IMF is seemingly so desperate to make Ukraine another one of its loan shark client states that it is willing to risk the annihilation of billions of people to achieve such a scenario.
The fantastic “deal” that the Ukrainian people are getting in allowing the post-coup government to sell out to the IMF vampires includes a 50% hike in energy prices, a halving in pensions, crippling inflation, huge tax hikes and a freeze in the minimum wage.
Ironically, a huge chunk of that money will be used to pay Russian-owned natural gas supplier Gazprom, with whom Kiev is behind on its bills.
As we have documented, asset stripping of troubled countries, achieved by means of onerous austerity measures imposed on the poor and middle class, is standard operating procedure for the IMF, which pulled the same stunt in numerous other countries including Greece and Cyprus.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
This article was posted: Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 11:03 am