Current Sexualization of Children Predicted in 1932 Novel

Kit Daniels
May 16, 2014

Alarming similarities between current trend to expose kids to sex and Brave New World

The current trend to “sexualize” young children, that is to expose children to sexual issues as early as kindergarten, shares striking similarities to the dystopian novel Brave New World in which children are encouraged to start exploring sex at a young age.

In the latest example of the trend, a couple of YouTube film makers produced a video in which they described homosexuality to children as young as five and asked for their opinions on the subject.

The film makers defended the video by stating that the “raw opinions of children” offer “incredibly valuable insight on our current society,” but the youngest of these kids likely had no clue about the subject until it was explained by the producers.

In a similar incident, a Kansas father of a 13-year-old girl became infuriated after discovering a poster hanging up at her school which listed several recreational sex acts, such as anal sex for example.

The school’s spokesperson referred to it as “district approved curriculum,” but the father disagreed.

“This has nothing to do with abstinence or sexual reproduction,” he said.

But Chicago public schools even went further than that by requiring mandatory sexual education in kindergarten classes.

As if these incidents weren’t concerning enough already, just compare them to Brave New World, a 1932 novel written by Aldous Huxley which anticipates a future society that is centrally controlled by a powerful government through the use of various techniques such as the sexualization of children.

In the book, the central planners encourage the populace to explore recreational sex starting from early childhood. The intent is to remove romantic relationships by cheapening sex in order to ensure that the citizens have complete allegiance to the state and not with each other through personal connections such as families.

This is further aided by the elimination of natural reproduction in favor of “creating” children in “hatcheries and conditioning centers” so that the World State in the novel can permanently limit the population to two billion people who are conditioned from birth to completely obey the government.

“The society described in Brave New World is a world-state, in which war has been eliminated and where the first aim of the rulers is at all costs to keep their subjects from making trouble,” Huxley wrote in his later essay Brave New World Revisited. “This they achieve by (among other methods) legaliz­ing a degree of sexual freedom (made possible by the abolition of the family) that practically guarantees the Brave New Worlders against any form of destruc­tive (or creative) emotional tension.”

“In 1984 the lust for power is satisfied by inflicting pain; in Brave New World, by inflicting a hardly less humiliating pleasure.”

He also added that children are also highly suscepti­ble to propaganda, a fact that really highlights the danger of exposing young kids to sex.

“They are ignorant of the world and its ways, and therefore completely unsuspecting,” he wrote. “Their critical faculties are undeveloped.”

“The youngest of them have not yet reached the age of reason and the older ones lack the experience on which their new-found rationality can effectively work.”

With all that said, it should be no surprise that the current sexualization of children is occurring mainly in the public educational system, which has a built-in bias towards large, powerful government.

Additionally, families in real life are also being frowned upon just like in Brave New World, such as the notable example in which MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry stated that your children are not yours – they belong to the community.

“We have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families,” she said, adding that kids belong “to whole communities” instead.

Now although the current sexualization of children and the attacks on families in our society haven’t quite reached the extremes presented in the novel, the similarities between these current trends and Brave New World are alarming nonetheless, and it’s not entirely far-fetched to believe that our future society will inch even further towards Huxley’s complete predictions.

This article was posted: Friday, May 16, 2014 at 1:48 pm

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