Bilderberg Scheme To Save The Euro

By: Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Globalists fear Greece could exit single currency and stage a miraculous economic recovery

The Bilderberg Group is terrified that Greece’s potential exit from the eurozone could lead to a dramatic economic recovery and provide a template for other countries to follow suit, threatening to torpedo the euro single currency and the entire agenda for a European federal superstate.

Obama impeachment bill gaining steam

By: Jeffrey Phelps
May 19, 2012


Hoping to soon pass committee and make it to the house is HCR 107, a bill threatening the possibility of the impeachment of the President of the United States for high crimes and misdemeanors, now thrust into the spotlight.

Citing a demand Wednesday that Obama regain respect for the War Powers Act, constitutional laws that restrict a President from waging a war without first receiving read more

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Barack Obama Is The First United Nations President

By: Saman Mohammadi
May 19, 2012


“In our globalist existence, the authority for the US to initiate hostilities against another country comes from the UN, declared Obama and Panetta. If the executive branch can persuade or bribe the UN to give a war OK, Congress is no longer relevant.” – Paul Craig Roberts, “Are Americans Catching On, Waking Up, Unplugging?”